
Object-Oriented Data Structures # WEEK01 : C++ variable, Class,Libraries 본문


Object-Oriented Data Structures # WEEK01 : C++ variable, Class,Libraries

안녕도라 2024. 1. 30. 10:53

1.1 C++ Introduction


two types of variable that we can have in C++

  • Primmitive (6): common primitive types in C++
    • int : stores integers
    • char : stores single characters/single byte
    • bool : stores a Boolean (T/F)
    • float. : stores a floating point number
    • double : stores a double-precision floating point number
    • void : denotes the abseneces of a value
  • User-defined (2) : 
    • string : secquence of characters
    • vector : dynamically-growing array

how to start C++ program

By. the C++ standard, the starting point is a function.

  • int main() 
    • if the program was successful, return value of main is 0
    • fail, non-zero on errors

Which really powerful at C++ is when we start our own custom data type


1.2 C++ Classes


C++ classes encapsulate ( associate) data and associated functionality into an single object.

  1. In C++, data and functionality are seperated into two seperate protections: public and private.
    • public members can be accessed by (anyone) client code.
    • private members cannot be accessed by client code(only used within the class itself)
  2. In C++, the interface(.h file) to the class is defined seperately from the implementation(.cpp file)
    • header file(.h) defines the interface to the class, which includs
      • declaration of all member variables
      • declaration of all member functions

1.3 C++'s Standard Library(std)


C++ standard library (std or stl, standard template library)

provides a set of commonly used functionality and data structures to build upon.


  1. iostream
    • iostream header includes operations for reading/writing to files and the console itself
      • including std::cout


Namespaces allow us to avoid name conflicts for commonly used names.


if a feature from a namespace is used often, it can be imported into the global space with using:

매번 std::를 쓰기 싫다면


generally, good to minimize using keyword,

'using'makes less clear what you exactly write.



# using

cube c 를 uiuc namespace에 넣었다.


A "cube" is rather generic-hundreds of cube-based data structures exist!

We will be specific about our Cube and specify that our CUbe is within the uiuc namespace;

cube encapsulated into uiuc namespace